They are growing so fast, and are so much fun!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

WUZ UP to all my peeeps, aunts and unc's! I'm just chillaxen and getting big fast. I'm working on my chubby cheeks and rolls just for you aunt Ann.


We are attempting to grow a garden this year. With any luck we will have some veggies to munch in the fall.

So far so good! These are actually plants not weeds-a shocker I know. Now if any peas actually grow then hopefully my plant killing days are gone!What can I say I'm a plant killer.

The butterflies and the lady bugs are enjoying our garden too!


  1. It about time, and yes you need to get those cheeks CHUNKY so we can squeeze them. Your garden looks GREAT!!!

  2. You Go Girl on the garden! I can't wait for some yummy veggies!

  3. Hey beautiful! Congrats on that precious new boy. He's adorable along with your whole fam! I love your garden. I can't wait to start my own garden next year. I need to get that sweet chex mix recipe from you still. Love ya cuz!
